Have you found the Way
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Have you found the Way

Have you found a way to turn your heart…towards the LIGHT and GLORY of His never ending love?

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Dryness and Richness
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Dryness and Richness

There’s something magical about the different colors and varieties of garden tomatoes…

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Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva


To move on
Fix and repair
Embolden and empower
Speak to the storm

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The Journey of Quiet Praise
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

The Journey of Quiet Praise

Quiet Praise

Praise is a journey… one we take alone. One in which we take our eyes off of ourselves and place them on another.

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Hope Breaks Through
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Hope Breaks Through

What would it mean
if HOPE broke through
our darkness and bondage
our cares and woes…

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Respite Care
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Respite Care

Tonight, is the first night I’ve slept here - on “Nanny Island” without her also sleeping in her bed - just down the hall…

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A Light Unto My Path
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

A Light Unto My Path

Your Word
is a lamp to my feet
a light to my path
the fortress in which I hide
a steady sustaining grace…

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Buy the Flowers
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Buy the Flowers

Yesterday at the produce auction, I purchased a copious amount of flowers. Cut flowers - not perennials or even annuals.

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The Cross of Shame
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

The Cross of Shame

If ordinary men and women
were willing to look at perfection
and nail it to a Cross
of shame -

And crown themselves kings and
offer worship to their own gods…

Why, then, are we still expecting
ordinary men and women…

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“You do you - I’ll do me…”
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

“You do you - I’ll do me…”

Every decision has an outcome.
Every effect begins with a cause.

Our culture repeatedly encourages -

“Be whatever you want…
Say whatever you want…
Think whatever you want…”

What’s right for you - isn’t necessarily right for me…


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Rooted - Day Twenty-One
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Rooted - Day Twenty-One

I have ten more little entries -
I’ve committed to making
for this 30-Day “Rooted” series…

Tonight and nine more…

And right about now is
when the well -
usually goes dry.

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Rooted - Day Ten
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Rooted - Day Ten

Have you ever tried to explain Heaven…
to someone you love?

Who’s headed there -
and so it seems someday soon…?

It’s daunting.
Believe me…

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Where is God?
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Where is God?

Where is God?

In the midst of us.
Weaving and working

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Bless the Lord, oh my Soul
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Bless the Lord, oh my Soul

Bless the Lord,
oh, my soul.
Bless His holy name.

I will say of the Lord -
He is good
His mercies are new every morning

So great is His FAITHFULNESS… It’s a bright and shining day …

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Because He Lives
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Because He Lives

I had the privilege of growing up in the Church -
Singing songs and listening to Biblical teaching…

Closer to Easter time,
we would sing a particular hymn -
“Because He Lives”
In celebration of the season…

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The Great I Am
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

The Great I Am

When my kids were growing up, we spent loads of time putting puzzles together. Usually the earlier nights of autumn or the first few snow flurries of winter would find us searching for just the right puzzle box to suit our mood.

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Teach us, Lord,  How to See Evil
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Teach us, Lord, How to See Evil

Teach us, Lord
How to see evil times.
Hard times.
Unspeakable times.

Times we don’t understand
Times we wish for a different way
Times we want to run and
you ask us to stay…

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Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva


That deep desire -
for HOPE to spring
forth where it’s least
expected …

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And They Overcame
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

And They Overcame

Bowing to the lies of the accuser -
Only prolongs our agony and defeat.

Owning our hatred and sin -
Always propels us forward to overcome.

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