Buy the Flowers

Buy the Flowers

Yesterday at the produce auction, I purchased a copious amount of flowers.

Cut flowers -
not perennials
or even annuals.

As in two-hundred cut flower stems…

I had one person in mind to bless… and she did, in fact, receive them - but not in the manner I thought…

And while others came to mind, my state of being is mostly cocooned right now here on the “island” and doesn’t allow me the privilege of delivering flowers with the hopes of blessing those who come to mind.

And so I placed them at the end of the island driveway - attached to my typical market garden stand…

And not one sold.

Not a single stem.

This morning a paid caregiver arrived to help with my mom’s care. It was an especially difficult morning. Breathing, gasping, color changes, tears, fears… and together the three of us battled it out and managed to get Nanny (my mom) settled.

As the caregiver left, she went straight to the flowers to buy some for her next few patients…

And a moment of spiritual awakening and clarity transpired within me…

Together, we bundled up all two hundred stems (minus the bouquet for the dear friend from yesterday) into the back of her car… and I was again reminded -

Buy the Flowers
Obey the Nudge
Bow the Knee
Bend the Heart
Find Joy
Spread Kindness
Nurture Faith

Because in doing so…

Some have entertained strangers…
And the kingdom of God grows
when we obediently…

“Buy the Flowers”



A Light Unto My Path


The Cross of Shame