God’s Holy Word
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

God’s Holy Word


A historical, God-breathed
living and active WORD -

So very contemporary
So very necessary.

Thousands of years ago,
men wrestled with injustice…

For thousands of years,
men continue to wrestle with evil…

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In Quietness,        You Lead Me
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

In Quietness, You Lead Me

In quietness
You lead me.
Through deep waters
Over mountains and
Deep in the valley.

You are always by my side
You dwell within me
You endure with me.

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A Call for the People of God to Remember
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

A Call for the People of God to Remember

A call for the people of God to remember -

On the day we were redeemed -
We didn’t earn that redemption.
It was a gift.

On the day we were pardoned -
We were not innocent.
We were forgiven.

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The God of all Peace
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

The God of all Peace

May the God of all peace -
comfort you.

The God of peace over loneliness -
The God of peace over defeat.


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Stay the Course
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Stay the Course

Stay the course -
Eyes on the prize.

Fixing our eyes on the AUTHOR and
FINISHER of our faith -

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A Jericho Wall
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

A Jericho Wall

I don’t know if you’re facing a Jericho wall today…

I don’t know what your wall looks like -
How tall it rises…
The thickness of its width or -
What’s on the other side.

But, chances are -

Your Jericho wall and mine
don’t look the same.

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Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva



LOOKING at the mountain out in front -
knowing it must be climbed.

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Pleasant Places
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Pleasant Places

To be known…
To be loved, by You.
It settles me here …

- this place where the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.

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Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva


No matter the overwhelm - God is greater.
No matter the fear - God’s perfect love is greater.
No matter the obstacle - God is able to make a way.
No matter the schedule - God’s timing is perfect.

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Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva


Do you know your worth…
Dearly beloved

Chosen one.

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Teach me,
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Teach me,

“Teach me how to live, O Lord.
Lead me along the right path,”

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Our Yoke
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Our Yoke

This morning I walked in through the main entrance of the hospital to pick up meds for our mom. I passed by so many who carried such heavy burdens and cares. Their yokes not easy - their burdens in no way light. My heart broke as I stood waiting for my turn.

“In this world, you will have trouble…”

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Am I a Stranger to Grace
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Am I a Stranger to Grace

Am I a stranger to GRACE?

Walking about with the weight of the world resting fair and square right across my shoulders??

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Bathed in Grace
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

Bathed in Grace

It’s not really how the colors looked today…
the filter adjustments blurring out the rain and cold -

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Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva


The tension - to know God
and pass through suffering
in praise …

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To be Known by You
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

To be Known by You

I heard Nanny ask one of these kiddos a question this morning about their “sweetie” who was due to arrive at any moment…

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We Number our Days
Deborah Zolotareva Deborah Zolotareva

We Number our Days

Today she held a little one…
Born only a month ago

And, together we number the days …
Both the coming and the going

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