Monthly inspiration.
Hidden in the Whisper – April 2020
In many ways, there is a generalized sense of weariness circling us as we go through this new season in the midst of a global pandemic. It affects everything from productivity to relationships.
Who Do You Say I Am ? – July 2020
We have come to the mountains for our annual family trip to the “wilderness” to disconnect, unplug, unwind, rewind, and reconnect in order to hopefully plunge back into life with a renewed sense of understanding and direction.
His Love Endures Forever – January 2021
Over and over The words ring out - Across barren deserts and fruitful plains…“His love endures forever.”
Some Days - October 2021
Some days… There isn’t one great big story to tell. There isn’t one of those fiery trial stories that ends with an astonishing God-miracle… Some days the story is simple. Grateful praise for strength to place one foot in front of another… HOPE for another moment. Fierce faith for another step forward.
Seeds Like Dust – February 2021
I tried something today that I’ve never done before - winter sowing - strawberry seeds. After having amazing results last summer from the 4” plants we purchased from the nursery, it seemed reasonable enough to try starting from seed. Buying mature plants can often add up quickly and seeds aren’t that daunting.
His Love Endures Forever – January 2021
Over and over The words ring out - Across barren deserts and fruitful plains…“His love endures forever.”
The Blessed No – November 2020
Two weekends ago, my husband, Andrei set off on an adventure to search for bear scat. After twenty-two years of being married, I am still shocked by his unending quest for new adventures.
Currant Preserve – The Mountain of Sacrifice - September 2020
It’s canning and preserving season right now which means that every nook and cranny of our home is fairly bursting with jars, lids, bands, and produce! Just when we get one type of harvest put away another is ready to process.
Planting Garlic – August 2020
It’s mid-August here in Pennsylvania. Hot, humid, and stormy on every front. This past spring during quarantine, we doubled our raised garden planting area and are finally seeing some productivity from our labor.
Who Do You Say I Am ? – July 2020
We have come to the mountains for our annual family trip to the “wilderness” to disconnect, unplug, unwind, rewind, and reconnect in order to hopefully plunge back into life with a renewed sense of understanding and direction.
The Sycomore Fig Tree Bruiser – May 2020
In December of this past year, I committed to God to spend a month of daily, public journaling. I agreed in December to the month of April - never knowing I would be writing a series entitled, “HIDDEN” from a place of quarantine.
Hidden in the Whisper – April 2020
In many ways, there is a generalized sense of weariness circling us as we go through this new season in the midst of a global pandemic. It affects everything from productivity to relationships.
I Don’t Prefer – March 2020
I haven’t found an easy way to gently lead into today’s discussion - so I’m going to jump straight in…
Driveway Markers – February 2020
Two weekends ago, my husband bundled up our two youngest kids and my niece and headed to the frozen north for a few days of frigid snowboarding.
Expecting – January 2020
The holidays have finished and it is time for us to take down our live Christmas tree and haul it off to the compost pile in our township.
Mary, Did You Know? – December 2019
Often at this time of year, those of us who have heard the Christmas story so many times can easily pass through this season and not hear the splendor and majestic story of how our redemption came to pass.
The Silver Thread in the Storyline – November 2019
The holiday season is just upon us. A season of hustle and bustle, non-stop “on”… The time when the clock seems to tick faster than most of us prefer. The season where we try to organize more into our busy lives than is probably healthy.