Because He Lives

April 13, 2022

I had the privilege of growing up in the Church -Singing songs and listening to Biblical teaching…

Closer to Easter time, we would sing a particular hymn -
“Because He Lives”
In celebration of the season…

In fact, for many years -
I was the pianist,
joining the congregation in praise.

“Because He Lives
I can face the future.”

Those were the days when the future was
little more than …
- teenage woes
- academia
- family and friend life

“Because He Lives
All Fear is Gone.”

Six and half months ago, as a family -
We embarked on our hardest journey yet.
Hospice care.

It’s not our only care -
It’s just the overarching care.
The overshadowing care.
The care we pivot around - moment by moment.

“Because I Know,
Who Holds the Future…”

Six and a half months ago, I physically trembled
at the thought - of doing most of the things I now, carry out on a routine basis…

“And Life is Worth Living,
Just Because He Lives.”

And today, like most days,
I’m not sure I can keep going…
Hold my head up
Pass through this next season…

But as the sun broke through the clouds this morning…
Illuminating the beauty of the pansies on our deck -

This song, from my youth
jumped out of my chest…

“Because He Lives!

“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know Who holds the future
[My] Life is worth living…
Just because He Lives.”

Our journey is not yours
And your journey is not ours…
And cares and worries threaten us
On every side!

There is no magic pill
No magic potion
No snap-your-fingers fix
for getting us through…

No… it’s a steady, step-by-step,
attentive LEANING towards the One -
Who died in our place
And rose again …
To take His rightful place
At the right hand of the Father…

So that -

He may know us in our suffering
Even as we know Him in our suffering…

And we step forward together -
With steady, unwavering FAITH -
Into our FUTURE…

Because He Lives!


Bless the Lord, oh my Soul


The Great I Am