Welcome friend…
I’m so glad your steps have led you here. I pray you will find this space welcoming, encouraging, and inspiring.
Come, if you wish, and find your seat at the table…
Along a Morning Path invites you into a quiet and sacred space to read, rest, and reflect. A place carved out to help us sift through both joy and trouble with determined intentionality. A place to grow, learn, and reframe our present realities in light of the Cross…A place for faith to incubate, germinate, sprout, and bloom… A place to sit and remember the goodness of God - in all.
Along a Morning Path was birthed from a desire to see every human heart grow and flourish. I pray that as we practice the discipline of slowing down… even just a little - to sit in green pastures or dip our toes into still waters - maybe together we’ll discover hidden gems of wisdom and truth we may have missed - had we hurried on past. I pray that we might find the fingerprints of our Creator throughout nature and together, continue along our journey of discovering complete and overflowing joy.
~ Along a Morning Path.
My name is Deb
– with a long last name… I am married to my best friend and together we have three, amazing, free-spirited kiddos who are nearly full-grown, and a perfectly perfect pup, Nellie.
Over the years, we’ve embarked on crazy, spontaneous adventures around the world - studying and learning side-by-side…
Much of my writing is inspired by nature… especially during long morning walks with our pup. It is here, in the quiet of the morning, where I most often hear the whisper of Heaven speak. Quiet, concrete truths paired with Scripture… glimpses of Heaven meeting Earth. I love long conversations at the table with family, friends, and laughter - especially if there is coffee. So, welcome to the table…
Praise for Along a Morning Path
Along a Morning Path beckons to the growth that comes not in a perfect vacuum, but in the midst of our real, sometimes difficult lives. It takes us down trails of thought we often feel alone in thinking to discover beautiful views of God's truth and faithfulness. Deb's writing is thoughtful and active, speaking not from a place of perfection, but as a fellow traveler on her own journey calling us to, "Lift our eyes to hills, where our help comes from." It is hard-won wisdom and courageous vulnerability wrapped together with a distinct ability to see God in and through His creation.
Deborah writes in a poetic style which grabs my attention and my emotions. In a style similar to Ann Voskamp and Brennan Manning, Deborah will invite you into her world to journey with her through life's messy situations, finding hope and resilience to keep moving forward. Combining nature photography and the musings of a wife and mother, Deborah gives us perspective through a fresh lens that connects us with our Creator and the Lover of our souls.
(Director - Camp David International)
We all need people in our lives who point us toward Jesus, and for over 25 years Deborah has been one of these people for me. She is a woman who seeks after God and helps others do the same, often through her beautiful gift of writing. Drawing on experiences from her daily life and personal walk with Jesus, Deborah shares spiritual insights in a relatable way, full of both grace and truth. I trust God will encourage you through her and He does me.
(CoMission for Children at Risk)
My dearest friend, God knows how much you speak into my life and Gabby’s. Thank you for blessing us with so much wisdom. I know life circumstances shape us but so does the time we spend sitting at the feet of Jesus. We have talked about this so many times together over the years. Fear is so crippling because the enemy doesn’t want us to succeed or speak into other’s lives. You have a beautiful way of expressing life and the beauty around us that we are sometimes too busy to see. I am honored to walk this journey with you and will stand alongside you in prayer knowing that you are trusting in what God has put upon your heart to walk out in faith. I love you and can’t wait to see how God is going to continue using you in so many people’s lives.