And I Will Give You Rest – December 2020

Come to me -
All who are weary
And heavy-burdened…

And I will give you rest.

Take my yoke -
Learn from me.
For I am gentle and
Humble in heart…

A gentle invitation, to

With a promise,
“And I will give you rest…”

As we close out this crazy year, it would seem that we should also be able to close down some of the craziness surrounding everyday events.  And yet, for many of us, that is just not the case. In fact, in some ways, the complexity of being surrounded by so many unknowns seems to grow rather than shrink.  So to “Come and rest…???”

Over and over, we hear the voices of world leaders, medical professionals, well-meaning friends, teachers, pastors, neighbors and - family. Each serves up information with the well-meaning hope of guiding us in our current season and into our future. They guide, point, direct and lead in seemingly every other direction and yet, so often we feel confused, betrayed, lost, and, at times, without hope. 

We join hands with those who are like-minded in hopes that together we will stand firm. And should we fall, we pray we'll have another standing by to pull us up… 

We sing the songs, pray the prayers, text our thoughts, and post the news. Believing and hoping that something is right within us.  Around us. Something is right and ok…

But sometimes, beneath it all - a nagging, sinking feeling quietly looms with a voice that mocks as it drives its weapons of accusation deep… into the raw places. The weak places. The places where we don’t measure up. 

It’s not that the words lie. It’s just - they are, in fact… true-

We don’t measure up. We don’t make the mark. Steal the show. Reach the goal. Make the grade. We jump... and time after time, we just fall short… 

Some of us have grown up surrounded by the religious words of grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love. We know the story of how the Creator of the World left the perfection of Heaven to make up that gap - the shortcoming within us - so that we might make the jump - rather than falling deep into the chasm below… 

We land safely on the other side of the eternal chasm because He bridges our lack. 

Yet, with all that truth drilled down deep, why do we sometimes still hear the faint whisper of the Accuser? The taunting mockery? The accusations of failure… reminding us of how we fall short…?

One year, deep in the heat of summer, our family was driving through New Mexico navigating the route using only our GPS. I was shocked as I looked out at the incredibly diverse landscape flashing by… Steep mountain ranges, barren and desolate deserts, massive land reservations, and lush national forests.  At one point, seemingly out of nowhere, we came across a massive bridge. It was huge! Amazing! And took us completely by surprise. I remember grabbing my camera and jumping out of the van - while the kids were still trying to get out of their seatbelts.  

I bolted towards the middle of the bridge as my husband followed behind in the van.  I don’t know what I was expecting to see beyond the flimsy guardrail wire holding us back from the edge - but certainly not the steep plunge to the riverbed below! As I approached the middle of the bridge, I looked down, which proved to be a fatal mistake. I am terrified of heights and hundreds of feet deep, deep below me, just under the rungs of the hefty bridge infrastructure lay the Rio Grande River. 

I saw the sign indicating my height above the riverbed, I read the history of how the massive structure was constructed, I understood that we needed to move on… but I was stuck.  Paralyzed with fear. I could not take a step forward or backward. I was so terrified, I couldn’t even cry. I could only stand frozen in place recognizing my great inadequacy. My great need to be rescued...  Beside me people walked freely, chatting and snapping vacation photos. Families hovered over this famed spot, making memories, while I was fully immobilized. 

Far in the distance, I could see my husband and the kids excitedly exploring the surrounding area. I wanted to join them, be included, make memories… I wanted nothing more than to get off that bridge and be on firm ground again. I felt faint and vertigo began to settle in, forcing me to sit down. I tried to crawl my way forward - but the truth was - I simply could not help myself. 

Eventually, my husband realized something was wrong. He tried to gently coax me towards the other side. Eventually, he realized I could not help myself so he simply picked me up, and carried me to the other side.

I truly understand that I only managed to get to the other side of the Rio Grande, not by my own strength - no, that only got me halfway across… but by the gracious strength, willpower, and fierce loyalty of my husband...

And after all these years of walking with God, up mountainsides, deep in the valleys, along morning paths, beside still waters, in the flaming furnace, and in the middle of mundane…  I still forget. I sometimes forget He left the majesty of Heaven to bridge the gap that I may “Come and rest…”

And this gentle invitation comes at such a high cost - - -

I am made whole…
I measure up…
Make the mark…
Reach the goal…
Make the grade… 

Not because of my own strength or merit… 
and ONLY because of Him. 

His mercy bridges the eternal chasm. We land eternally safe because of Him. 

2020. Such a very strange year for many of us.  Some days are better than others.  Some days our faith is strong. We see the Light of God’s FAITHFULNESS shining brightly at the end of the tunnel. 

But some days, when the Accuser’s voice taunts our hearts, reminding us of how we have failed and fallen short… 

May we always be mindful that while the words hold some truth - they are not 

His grace is sufficient for me… In my weakness, He makes me strong. 

“For God loved the world so very very much, that He gave His very own Son - so that WHOEVER believes in Him - WILL have eternal LIFE!” - John 3:16

So we come.
And heavy-burdened…

Seeking true rest.
We take HIS yoke
We learn from HIM.
For He is gentle and
Humble in heart...


His Love Endures Forever – January 2021


The Blessed No – November 2020