
Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 11th, 2021

I’m not going to lie… I’m thoroughly exhausted tonight. It might be allergies or maybe a little too much running around these past few days - but just imagining myself being able to write anything coherent or of significant value feels downright impossible tonight.

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 10th, 2021

Such a beautiful opening day for Daniel and his friend - winning both opening rounds of District Doubles Tennis today… advancing to semifinals later in the week.

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 9th, 2021

Three children call me momma; I have carried four in my womb. Two girls, one boy, and one angel who dances around on streets of gold…

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 7th, 2021

There's both a great anticipation and dread going into this day… there’s a list looming over my head and scribbled out on paper longer than I’d prefer. 

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 6th, 2021

It was one of those messy days… the kind I’d rather not rehash with overmuch detail. The kind of day, when I’m grateful I made it through and the pillow is calling my name.

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 5th, 2021

Two little white paws repeatedly nudged my side, birds chirped exceptionally loud outside my window, and the sun was barely making an appearance…

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 4th, 2021

As I approached the end of my morning walk, I deviated ever so slightly to take in the beauty down by the riverside… I’m drawn to this place, this bend in the river, where the water first takes a sharp right, then a quick left, and then disappears straight out of sight…

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 3rd, 2021

I’ve spent my day digging in the dirt, transplanting pots, and pruning copious amounts of dead branches.  It’s certainly not glamorous work and if you happened to swing by for a visit - you probably wouldn’t even notice the change. 

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 2nd, 2021

For as long as I can remember, I’m always a little awestruck this time every year. It seems wherever I turn, the vibrancy of life is practically bursting forth from every nook and cranny. The barren branches of winter have passed through the miraculous and are now fairly teeming with life. Seeds, blown and tossed by the wind, have come to rest and set up residence wherever they have fallen. 

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Alive jaiden scherr Alive jaiden scherr

May 1st, 2021

It’s that time of year again - when I break free from the safety net of obscurity and step front stage onto the public scene. The time of year I both dread and cherish. When raw places aren’t neatly tucked away behind a thick wall of privacy…

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