May 11th, 2021

I’m not going to lie… I’m thoroughly exhausted tonight. It might be allergies or maybe a little too much running around these past few days - but just imagining myself being able to write anything coherent or of significant value feels downright impossible tonight.  And to make it just a little worse, I was just informed that Dan’s tennis match is tomorrow morning not Thursday… I thought I had a little more time to let my nerves recover a little from yesterday… Nope. 


If you know me well, you’ve met my pup - Mom’s baby… She’s spoiled and loved more than is possibly imaginable. That little one has had three LONG walks today and is currently passed out on my pillow snoring! 


Our path this morning ran straight through the honeysuckle bushes.  Along one side of the pathway and down the other, the scent - pungent and sweet.  Deer skipped across the grassy field ahead of us, each following their well-worn path up the hillside. The creek slowly ambled along down below.  It was a peaceful morning, filled with ample time for quiet reflection. 


As we rounded the curve to return back to the car, we came upon a stretch of dandelions blowing gently in the breeze… They had lost their bright yellow flower heads, leaving behind beautiful magnificent puffy globes.  I know they are the bane of our existence when the winds come, sweeping them up and off their stems, and thereby cross-pollinating them far and wide… But this wasn’t my yard - so my ability to appreciate their beauty was a bit easier! 


Seeds of weeds, scattering LIFE far and wide… blown and tossed wherever the wind may blow. Alive…


Mid morning, Kat and I spread out the giant US Map in the sun on the park bench in the yard. She’s about to embark on an adventure of a lifetime… The plan is to drive a huge loop across the country and back with her girlfriend in a few weeks. It’s big. It’s a bit wild. But she’s young and incredibly ready to soar… I will not lie, I am ever so (incredibly) jealous of this opportunity. I was blessed to take the kids on two separate trips like this a few years ago. They were the adventures of a lifetime for us! So I’m pounding all my ideas, suggestions, encouragement, and cheering into seeing this through for them. Oh to be young again! To step into an incredibly new season, fresh out of college, ready to take on the world. 


She knows Andrei and I, and her friend’s mom will be standing by ready to jump into action in any way they may need along the way.  It reminds me a bit of how God must cheer for us! His pleasure overflowing and running over - standing by ready for action, conversation, wisdom-seeking, and assurance. These girls really don’t know what they’re doing… they’re young! And so are we… yet His grace keeps running strong. He keeps speaking, guiding, leading, loving… and if we stand close by His side - all will be well. Always. 


We ended our day on yet another walk by a totally different river -- just as the sun was setting for the night.  Just as my tired body longed for my bed, the sky turned every shade of pink and orange and the sun melted gently into the horizon. Only a glorious living God could fathom how to display a different portrait of His love across the canvas of the sky everyday... in hopes that, if perhaps, we might have missed His glory, His hand of provision all throughout the day, we might see His brushstrokes and know - 


There is a majestic cheering cloud of witnesses… who have gone before us - calling us to be ALIVE… 


“Since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” Heb 12:1-2



May 12th, 2021


May 10th, 2021