May 8th, 2021

Charm can be misleading… 

Beauty is vain - 

So much fades very quickly... 


But -


This amazing virtuous woman lives in awe and wonder of the Lord…”  (Proverbs 31:30)


It’s paraphrased just a little to help with remembering such a beautiful day. Today our very oldest graduated from university with her Business Degree in Supply Chain Management. 


I saw her very first thing this morning in her pajamas and no makeup, holding a cup of coffee and curling her hair, nervous as anything… she was so very beautiful.  Her smile and her energy permeated the room.  The incessant flurry of texts back and forth from other classmates, also jittery with nerves, made my momma’s heart smile with love.  They’re growing up… like birds ready to fly the nest - but today she got ready in a bathroom we share together. For just a few more moments, she’s mine to cherish while she’s closeby… I am so very blessed. 


Just after 7am, the typical hustle and bustle of thinking we are more organized than we really are ensued - millions of jittery trips back and forth to the car… and finally we were off.  She, in her elegant white sundress, fancy heels, and stunning makeup, was so very beautiful. She was eager to arrive and meet friends in person that she has only ever seen via zoom. The texts continued back and forth - until all got so very quiet… We had arrived. One more second of zipping up the gown, fixing the cap, pulling back the hair - and she was off! My momma’s heart clenched tightly… It was time.  I smiled with love and approval as she waved just before entering the field hall…  so very blessed.


We sat, as guests, in pairs - six feet apart - two guests per graduate.  Collectively, we held our breath as they entered two-by-two. Grown men and women - almost all in their early twenties - still searched the crowds, just like they did in Kindergarten, looking for their family and loved ones. Waves, masks, smiling eyes, and tears… we had much to celebrate! Much to be grateful for… We are so very blessed. 


A car ride home and I suddenly got very sick… so I headed off to urgent care to discover I have probably been fighting a brooding infection in my bladder for some time.  An hour or two later, and some strong meds - we headed off to celebrate with family at Nanny’s house (my mom.)  


The food was delicious, the cake, and gifts… but more importantly, there was something very special about being privileged to sit comfortably together as a family that made this time so precious… Aunts, uncles, Nanny, and a million cousins of all ages piled on top of one another laughing and singing… We won’t always have these days, but tonight we did. I sat looking, one by one, at every person present.  Each bringing a weighted honor to the table… a mantle of blessing steeped in their spiritual gift. This is my tribe… the one God placed me in long ago. I am so very blessed. 


This day marks something incredibly special for me. Many years ago, I had a strong vision for my kids to know and love God deeply… From the time they were very little, I knew that I had been called to guide them in a way that might not always measure up to the cultural norm of the day. I knew that our path was going to look different… I didn’t know exactly what that meant - but I was willing.  

Our paths criss-crossed the globe, partnered with incredible teachers, served in third world countries - even while we pursued academic excellence… but the heart of every endeavor was trying to find and know God more deeply.  We failed in a million ways along the journey, and succeeded in quite a few. And today... 


As she smiled at me in her pj’s, crimping her hair… I knew her heart was well.  The journey this far had worked out well. 


Her beauty didn’t come from academic accolades, great performances, or feats of goodwill… No, her radiance echoed the words of King Solomon when he was painting the portrait of the virtuous woman. 


“This amazing virtuous woman lives in awe and wonder of the Lord…”  (Proverbs 31:30)


To know and live in awe and wonder is to be fully ALIVE and awakened - gazing deeply at our God.  The beauty that comes from those deep places is a heart satisfied by God. 


I am so very blessed.


May 9th, 2021


May 7th, 2021