May 6th, 2021

It was one of those messy days… the kind I’d rather not rehash with overmuch detail.  The kind of day, when I’m grateful I made it through and the pillow is calling my name. 


It started off well… a little bundle of puppy joy snoring loudly on top of me, birds chirping, and coffee…


But when the lawnmower died a thousand times and a snarky teen repeatedly chose disrespect over honor - the day started to spiral downwards…


This kid knew their words would hurt and erode the peaceful relationship we work hard to maintain. And that imperfect met my imperfect and well… Eventually, the tears began to climb, until they just welled up and out… 


How do we go from high to low within the hour? Why can’t the ride just be a little more steady? 


I was reminded of a particular passage from a study I just finished recently - the enemy’s use of lies to trip us up… Either by temptation or accusation - 


Today was just a classic accusation day… causing me to look more at my sin than my Saviour. (pause)... A day in which I wasted hours berating myself for my failures - when forgiveness had already been given. A day when I looked more at my weaknesses instead of the Cross. 


In the middle of grocery shopping, the worship song, “Goodness of God” played through my heart…  and I saw the scheme. The lie… 

It’s why we’re constantly reminded to remember His faithfulness… Remember His goodness.. It’s the anchors of Truth we set down in place that catch us when we start that downward spiral into the pit of lies. 


-       Before the beginning of time, He chose me and called me His beloved...

-       While I was still dead in sin - He reached for me in love…

-       And gave Himself up as a ransom for my wrongs…


I John 4:9-13

“The light of God’s love shined within us when He sent His perfect Son into the world so that we may be ALIVE through Him.  He loved us LONG BEFORE WE LOVED HIM. His love came first, not ours.  He proved it by sending His Son to be the pleasing sacrificial offering to take away our sins. Loved friends, if He loved us with such tremendous love, then ‘loving one another’ should be our way of life! And He has given us His Spirit so that we can be assured that He is ALIVE in us and we are ALIVE in Him…”


We ended on a beautiful high… Our son, Daniel, advanced to district tennis finals, Katerina finished up her Bachelor’s Degree in Supply Chain and Logistics, Leah is alive and well and sleeping at Nanny’s, and the mower started up just before dark, thereby, allowing that task to finally be checked off the day’s list.  


It is by grace we are saved, though, not by anything we do… 

It is a gift from God so that no one can boast.


May 7th, 2021


May 5th, 2021