May 1st, 2021

It’s that time of year again - when I break free from the safety net of obscurity and step front stage onto the public scene. The time of year I both dread and cherish.  When raw places aren’t neatly tucked away behind a thick wall of privacy… 


This is the month-long journey I take once a year to publicly step out with careful discipline. A daily commitment to write both fluidly and honestly… This is a discipline of remembering, recording, and reframing the day’s events - so that as the sun sets deep into the horizon - I can remember and say with confidence, “Great is Your Faithfulness…” 


This is a discipline to publicly wrestle and take into consideration both the day’s highs and lows - and, by grace, write my way to the Cross… that I may grow deeper in the knowledge and grace of God. 


The word I’ve been given is small and simple… “ALIVE” … a theme I suppose we’ll discover together along this journey.  Last year, the word,  “HIDDEN” was dropped into my heart in late 2019 with a starting date of April 1st. The irony and implications of writing and discovering the HIDDEN truths of God amongst nature during a worldwide pandemic were unending… 


So the theme ALIVE is what we’re hunting down in the month of May. 


As I close my eyes on this first night, one thought keeps running through my mind, “ALIVE is not IMMUNE…” Alive is a precarious position, risking both success and failure. Kind of like love… or life and death… 


Once our God risked all for the sake of love and sunk deep to the gates of hell. He plunged Himself into utter darkness so that we would never have to know utter darkness in Him. 


And three days later, He was raised to life! 


It’s this resurrection that changes everything! This enduring, “alive” that changes every situation. 


May 2nd, 2021