
Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day Ten - April 10, 2020

Today the sun rose well before I awoke… We planned to get gas in the car for the first time in 5 weeks and take Nellie for a walk. And then Nanny called… she fell.

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Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day Nine - April 9, 2020

Today I woke up and for that I’m grateful. I think I might be processing stress in my sleep right now - so I’ve been struggling a bit with tossing and turning throughout the night. Often I find myself waking up on the brink of a migraine. I think it’s because of clenching my jaw. Going to have to work on this…

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Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day Eight - April 8, 2020

Today I woke up to my garden soaked with last night’s rain. It’s one of my favorite sights…

Nellie still required her hour long walk - even though she had an extra one last night while searching for her missing collar. Tall grass - woods (again).

The sun rose in beauty and splendor - despite our stay-at-home order...

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Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day Seven - April 7, 2020

Today I woke up before dawn - simply because I fell into the deepest sleep right after dinner… Nellie needed her walk … tall grass - woods...

The sun rose gloriously this morning! It defied the shadowing pandemic...

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Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day Six - April 6, 2020

Today I barely woke up… I can no longer work all day in the garden and not feel its effects the next day. Nonetheless - Nellie needed her walk … through the tall grass and into the woods...

The sun rose, despite the virus.

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Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day Three - April 3, 2020

“Today I (again) awoke to a white bundle of joy snuggled up to my legs.

The sun rose, despite a global pandemic. Momentary blue skies graced the sky as Andrei and I trudged through the tall grass and woods on our daily morning trek.

Because our laundry service took a hiatus for the past few days, yoga pants remained the only viable clothing option.“

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Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day Two - April 2, 2020

Today I (again) awoke to a little white bundle of joy snuggled up to my legs snoring loudly.

The sun rose again this morning, despite a global pandemic. Blue skies graced the sky as Andrei and I trudged through the tall grass and woods on our daily morning trek.

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Hidden jaiden scherr Hidden jaiden scherr

Day One - April 1, 2020

Today I awoke to a little white bundle of joy snuggled up to my legs snoring loudly. “Mommy’s baby”... is what we call our little, Nellie. She sets the tone for every morning, creating rhythm and routine regardless of whether we’d prefer to stay in bed or not.

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