Rooted - Day Five

June 5, 2022

As Day Five comes to an end, I find the words right on the tip of my tongue… wishing and wanting to be flushed out. But they’re still being formed and need time to properly develop and mature.

I need time to mature.
To be sanctified…
So that God may be glorified.

I promised openness…
I promised truth…
I promised to share - to remember
how God worked all things out for good.

And He is…

This little world is sometimes so chock-full of emotions that often it seems that just when we’ve battled through one struggle - another one rises even greater.

And those chock-full emotions encompass the entire spectrum.

From pure joy -
to pure resentment.


It’s the sanctification process that is kicking me hard right now.

And I’m fighting to get the
“horse in front of the cart…”

My spirit in front of my emotions.

So that Truth guides me
rather than pure emotion.

I’m searching for something
even while I search for words to explain.

I’m searching not to find excuses or others with whom I might commiserate… like Job’s friends who sat by while every piece of his world was stripped away.

Friends who fed him partial truths in the midst of high emotion…
Friends who served Job ever so poorly…
Friends who held Job back from - becoming…

Mature and complete
Lacking. Nothing.

They fed excuses in his pain
They validated his misery
They offered him permission to curse God…

Yet, never bowed low with him
in worship.

To beg before the Lord
to see the storm
through the lenses
of Heaven…

To bow low and
allow truth to
dictate the emotion
in praise…

Tonight, I walked alone with Nellie along the wooded path.

She remained close by my side, endlessly searching for wildlife and excitement.

I remained deep in thought… pondering and considering the condition of my heart…

And literally just a few feet in front of us, a sly little fox sat crouched in the tall grass - unbeknown to us.

I glanced up out of my pondering and caught a glimpse and quickly summoned Nellie back.

She never listens to me.
Especially the first time I call…

But this time she did - even as
the sly fox made his way towards the path where we walked.

We crouched just as low
And waited.
Staking our space.
And waited…

And Mr. Fox turned and headed away from where we firmly stood.

And we turned and walked the other way as well.

I hate this part of the wooded path where I walk. I’m usually pretty good at spotting the fox from a distance and walk in a different direction if I see them.

But today I was bogged down with guilt. And confusion. And pondering. And wondering. And self-pity…

And I walked straight into the sly fox’s path…

And in that moment, the prayer leapt within my soul, “God, show me! Show me with your eyes… Let me see the world through your eyes…”

Not overcome by every emotions,
But rather by Your emotion.

Your heart.
Your truth.

And so while I still can’t quite find the right words… we press on.

Blessed and provided for
in every way…

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide.



Rooted - Day Six


Rooted - Day Four