Rooted - Day Four

June 4, 2022

As I pause on this Day Four to remember - I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

Today God provided something I never specifically asked him for…

Today’s plans were mundane -
Grocery shopping

And just as the sun popped through
the early morning window shades…
a text came through…

A gift and an offer from a dear friend and sister in Christ.

While it didn’t seem possible for me to accept this opportunity - a nudge deep within prompted me to try.

Within the hour, caregiving fell into place… and sweet Kat and I hit the road for Lancaster to watch the production of David at Sight and Sound.

We popped into the Firehouse coffee shop along the way and dodged the cyclists racing through our local area…

And soon open fields, horses, and buggies became our companions.

So often now, our kiddos (who aren’t kids at all) are all off spending time with friends or working… so anytime I get to spend a few minutes or an afternoon with them is a gift I treasure.

So to have sweet Kat as my companion for the day… it’s a treasure God knew my heart yearned for…

Time -

In some ways time seems to be moving at a snail’s pace… at least in this little hospice world of mine.

Most of the time it feels like every moment is carefully monitored and adjustments are made accordingly…

And when I glance up - as often as I can… time outside of this world seems to be racing around me.

One kiddo moving into her senior year of high school. Driving herself wherever she needs (and wants) to go.

One kiddo just finishing up his final district championships and heading off to college.

And one big kiddo finally finding her footing in the big corporate world… fighting traffic and all that comes with having adult responsibilities.

And each of them have a dear and precious place in my heart.

Eight months ago, they willingly moved out of the comfortable nest where each of them were born and grew up… in a neighborhood that is known and familiar to us.

They moved out for me. To stay by my side so I wouldn’t be alone to face the hardest challenge of our lives.

And they have stayed…
And remained present…
And have built roots and lives…

Because of love.

Each and every night,
No matter the time…
They each come in to kiss and hug me goodnight…
And they bring the fragrance of Heaven with them…

They bring hope
They bring joy
They bring promise
And a future…

Because -

When the whisper of God
calls our hearts…

And the promise of His provision
becomes enough…

Roots go down -

And we are changed -

And the winds may blow…
And the storms may come…
And the giants may loom…
And the rain may fall…

And our culture may scream…
And our hearts might break…
And our future look dim…
And all hope seems lost…

But for God -

The Almighty one who -

Calms the storms
with a gentle whisper…

Defeats the giants
with a powerful word…

We are held fast by Him.
He smiles and provides.

And today -

While He provided for my needs…
He also answered the deep desires of my heart.

Here, in the shadow of the valley -
Jehovah - Shalom
smiled and refreshed my soul…

Working out a million little details…

Making all things good…

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide.



Rooted - Day Five


Rooted - Day Three