Rooted - Day Six

June 6, 2022

Day Six began in earnest…

I sat outside in the garden -
early this morning…
waiting to hear Him speak.

To comfort my heart and
lift my eyes above
any and all circumstances.

To see my world
and the greater world
As He sees…

Eyes of compassion.
Heart of love.

Take this cup from me…
Take this cup from her…
Take this cup from us…”

We aren’t the first
nor the last -
to utter such desperate words -

While we stand by -
feeling helpless to the pain
and injustice all around us.

We long for home, Lord -

No tears
No pain
No suffering
No killing
Or murder
Or slander
Or discord…


2000 years ago,
another cried out in the Garden…

“If possible -
Take this cup from me.”


Fully human - yet fully God
Come to earth to walk amongst us
To be with us
To dwell amongst us
To inhabit us.

To set before us a model
by which to live.

“Not my will - but Yours…”

And because he endured
the cup of suffering -

My cup…
Your cup…
The worlds’ cup…

We never have to drink
from the ultimate cup.

He passed through
So we could pass through

He IS the way!

Through the valleys AND
Up over mountaintops AND
Deep in the trenches of our everyday lives.

We drink of the cup
to know and understand -

He carves out handholds
along the way…
for us to grasp with
fierce FAITH in the dark.

He makes the crooked places straight -
so that in our weakness…
we may stumble BUT not fall.

This is our God.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

The God who holds
the cup of suffering
in one hand and
catches our tears
with the other.

THIS GOD roots our hearts -
to weather the storm.

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide



Rooted - Day Seven


Rooted - Day Five