Rooted - Day Twenty-Three

June 23, 2022

A year ago,
I published a photo
to my blog
with the caption,

“That moment
When fear loses it’s grip…
All is forever changed - “

It was true then -
and still true today.

Tonight, the four sweeties and I
pulled into our first stop
on our four day adventure to -
Acadia and Back…

These “kids” have a way
of making everything brighter,
sweeter, happier, and more alive!

We arrived during low tide
at destination number one -
bridge jumping on Cousins Island.

Thankfully, after staring down
from way above the pier supports -
they decided not jump…
just too dangerous at low tide.

And when the water and waves,
the sun and the wind
gently blew across the shore…
and across my face -

I breathed a bit more easily
than I have - in a very long time.

It’s not that anything
has changed
or moved…

But I changed
I moved…

Next stop -
A crab and lobster shack…
with bright red tables,
moving waters
and tall green grasses
blowing in the wind…

And there we sat -

Last stop of the day -
Two-Cent Bridge in
downtown Waterville…

It was here I took the photo
for the blog post on fear…
one year ago.

How very faithful God has been
to gently walk us through a year of
moves and changes.

So many of the fears
that debilitated us before…
hold very little power today.

And that is GRACE…

These crazy kids and I plan
to head out bright and early
to take on Acadia’s Sand Beach -
Great Head Trail

(I’m hoping Leah has packed
more than flip flops to hike in…)

Grateful for this time of rest…

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide



Rooted - Day Twenty-Four


Rooted - Day Twenty-Two