Rooted - Day Twenty-Two

June 22, 2022

Sometimes a good laugh can fix a million minute problems…

Like when I used the commode, today, as a step-stool - in order to get the camping gear into the sky box of the van…

And as I crammed the final sleeping bag way into the far corner - the commode tilted… and down I tumbled into the van.

It’s Day Twenty-Two…
and plans are to embark on
a four day adventure -

Kat, our precious, adventure-seeker…
turns twenty-two on Friday.

When she turned twenty-one,
she asked to see the sunrise
from the first place
the sun hits east coast of the USA.

That would be Cadillac Mt -
Acadia National Park…

One year ago, we did just that…
and for her twenty-second birthday -
she asked to return again.

1200 miles in four days…
that’s our plan.

For eight months,
each of our kids have
faithfully served and cared
in every capacity,
here, in this little hospice world.

And, so I look for ways
as often as I can -
to say, “yes!”

Because recently -
more often than not -
most things are “no…”
or “not now…”
or “someday…”

And sometimes that gets rough…

So tomorrow morning -
bright and early…
caregivers are scheduled to arrive
with halos and smiles -

And we will take
some much needed rest.

Me -
one teenager -
one 21 year old -
one 22 year old and
one 23 year old…

Tonight, I found a special pendant my mom gave me many years ago…

And put it on to remember -

She will come with us in spirit
as much as she is able…

Even as prays for us
as much as she is able…

It is brutally painful to sit
and wait for Heaven
to collect you home.

It plays with your mind
It physically hurts your heart -
And everyone around you suffers
Watching you wait…
And wishing for something different.

And we know that before we ever began this journey…
God, Himself… took a journey -
from Heaven to Earth.

To dwell amongst us,

And for thirty-three years -
He walked amongst us

As, He, too -
waited for Heaven
to collect Him home.

And in the garden
He wept and prayed
as drops of blood
poured from His brow…

Mark 14:35-36
“He went on a little farther
and fell to the ground.

He prayed that,
if it were possible,
the awful hour awaiting him
might pass him by.

‘Abba, Father,’ he cried out
‘everything is possible for you.

Please take this cup
of suffering
away from me.

Yet, I want your will
to be done,
not mine.’”

‭‭As so, as we also wait…

We ask for strength to pray,
“Your will… not mine.”

And we look for ways to say, “yes”
to 1200 mile journeys

So we can endure -
for as long as He asks…
until Heaven collects their own.

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide



Rooted - Day Twenty-Three


Rooted - Day Twenty One