Rooted - Day Twenty-Five

June 25, 2022

Napping was inevitable after
shivering all night in the tent -
huddled up to Leah Margaret
with a tree root piercing squarely
into my back all night…

The 4:34 AM woodpeckers
hammered industriously nearby
while all sorts of wildlife
sprang to life.

I gave up trying to sleep
or get warm at 4:45 AM -

So I joined the one other
camping mom
to welcome in the morning.

Coffee helped and so did the hot shower… and eventually everyone arose with kinks and aches from the lumpy night sleep.

We took in the most southern lighthouse trail and saw seals not far from the shore. Leah leapt about near the rocky edge again… but I was simply too tired to worry.

Today, I find myself
needing to reign in
all sorts of thoughts and opinions
on various topics…
particularly cultural.

Social media is rarely the place
for deep and meaningful conversation…

It leaves too much room
for misunderstanding,
offense, and bitterness.

My heart is heavy at
the carnage from dissension…

My heart grieves for
lack of truth and wisdom…

My heart begs
for the hearts of children
to turn back Home.

The Beloved
The Redeemed
The Ransomed

Today we sat
by the side of the ocean
watching the waves
roll in and out.

Rolling in with all the ocean holds -
from deep below,
from far at sea and
from all the surface holds…


In they crash -
with little stopping

And out they storm -
taking with them
not secure.

And it helps us understand again -
why we try to build on lives
on the Rock.

On truth
By faith
With wisdom

And we forge this path -
by grace
with Grace

With humility
With deep care and


And we know what Love is -
“We know what real love is
because Jesus gave up
his life for us.

So we also ought to
give up our lives
for our brothers and sisters.

Dear children,
let’s not merely say
that we love each other;
let us show the truth
by our actions.

Our actions will show
that we belong
to the truth,
so we will be confident
when we stand before God.

And this is his commandment:

We must believe
in the name of his Son,
Jesus Christ,
and love one another,
just as he commanded us.”
1 John‬ ‭3

The plan was to pack up tonight
while it’s still light
to start our journey home
at first light -

But corn hole and
lobsters and
ice cream
seem to have won for now…

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide



Rooted - Day Twenty-Six


Rooted - Day Twenty-Four