Day Twenty-Seven - April 27, 2020
Today I awoke to little Nellie so excited to play outside… a beautiful morning!
If you live in this area - you might have heard that because of COVID-19, a local chicken farmer had his contract cancelled for supplying NY restaurants with liquid eggs. Simply put, the farmer - like so many other small businesses - cannot sustain his small family farm of 80,000 chickens indefinitely without viable contracts. He was told to euthanize his stock…
Another local relatively new small business owner caught wind of this crisis happening and decided to stick her neck out there. She posted some details of this family’s situation on her business facebook page along with a proposal to the community to rally together for this farmer and his family. It was bold and it was simple. She offered her farm stand to sell the chicken farmer’s eggs - large scale! $2 per dozen eggs, stay in your car, one way down the farm lane, no contact sales… the goal 10,000 eggs.
And apparently that happened in less than 10 mins… people were lined up for hours only to discover they were sold out! And now, other businesses are beginning to see how this type of action is gaining traction and blessing so many people.
I could not help but think of that small kid who came carrying his lunch with five loaves of bread and two fish to hear Jesus speak. John 6 says that a great crowd of people followed Jesus because they saw the miracles he had performed on the sick. They were like sheep without a shepherd and Jesus had compassion on them. He asked his disciples what they had available to feed the crowd of 5,000+ people. The answer was narrowed down to one boy’s lunch.
I wonder how that boy felt when asked to hand over his lunch… After all, he obviously had planned or someone had planned on his behalf for him to be out for a long day. Someone had considered, prepared, planned and it seems he had enough. But enough to share? And not just “share” but ridiculous sharing… ??
Did he question when he handed over his provision… as in, “How would taking my two fish and five loaves be of any consequence to you?” Did he doubt? Did the disciples wrestle him to the ground and force him to hand over the goods?
We don’t know… all we know is the only solution to this hunger crisis was a boy carrying a small lunch. And in the hands of the Miracle Worker - it was used to bless and feed everyone who was in need there that day.
After this giant event, Jesus asked his disciples to gather up the left-overs from the miracle and it seems there was so much left over that each of the twelve disciples filled a basket! And the people were astonished and began to say , “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus, knowing their hearts - took himself away to be alone.
I wonder if performing miracles exhausted Him emotionally… Did it break His heart when the crowds seemed only to seek action and experiential gatherings rather than His heart…?
I know first hand what it is like to be a small business owner… and in 2008, Andrei and I lost our thriving family business in a relatively short amount of time. It was a dark season in our lives. We spent countless hours trying to rebuild - but in the end - it was not possible.
When I see a community rise up after one woman sticks her “lunch” out there on a whim and says, “I don’t have much… but I have a farm stand...” I see bold faith! Bravery. Willingness to give what she has - regardless of size.
I wonder tonight what I may have that the Miracle Worker would see of value? And if He points out my “lunch,” am I willing to turn it over to His hands? I pray for strength to not negate it as being inconsequential and thereby starve a community of being blessed?
Five loaves, two fish and a hungry crowd.
A farm stand, willingness and 10,000 eggs.
Water barrels, guests and new wine.
And so I find myself rustling around in my “lunchbox” tonight asking God for His courage to keep on seeking, keep on being generous, keep on serving…
Keep on being willing to hand over whatever He asks.