A Call for the People of God to Remember

February 24, 2022

A call for the people of God to remember -

On the day we were redeemed -
We didn’t earn that redemption.
It was a gift.

On the day we were pardoned -
We were not innocent.
We were forgiven.

On the day we submitted to His kingship -
We were no longer slaves.
We became His heirs.

On the day He called us His beloved -
We were no longer abandoned-
We became His children.

On the day we entered the family of God -
We arrived by way of the Cross.
Through the death and suffering -
of a most Holy and most Loving God.

No part of this was free -
He bore the cost.

For our redemption.
For His namesake -
We. The. Church
The. Body. Of. Christ

On this day, we became new -
Not better.
Or improved.


Bought and sealed unto Himself.
Today, we remember -

It is by CHOICE we live in response to these TRUTHS.

By choice, we bow low and submit to a different way of living -
A different way of thinking.
A different road of discipline.

A call for the godly to remember -

Not every politician is dishonest.
Not every citizen is represented properly.
Not every Russian agrees with today’s current affairs.

A call for the godly to remember -

Eph 1:4-14 (adapted)

“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the word -

To be holy and blameless in His sight.

In love, He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ -

In accordance with His pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves.

IN HIM we have -

Redemption through His blood,
Forgiveness of sins…

IN HIM - we were chosen…

In order that we, who were the first hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory.

Having believed -

We are marked with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit - guaranteeing our inheritance.”

A call for the godly to remember.


In Quietness, You Lead Me


The God of all Peace