The Weapon of Quiet Praise
The Weapon of Quiet Praise
TRUTH says -
Praise is the weapon we valiantly wield…
Praise is the posture the heart must take…
Praise is the key for unlocking the door
that we might enter…
Into the quiet place -
The place of true rest…
Praise is not just positive words not is it simply an abject denial of reality or truth…
Praise is not simply nodding our heads or pasting on a thinly veiled smile - even while the heart grows bitter - with pain and anguish.
Praise is a journey.
A cognitive journey by which we see life’s realities, the good and the bad… and we wrestle through and through with strength and fierceness, wisdom and hope.
Praise allows us to arrive at the overarching truth - sprawled out as a giant banner over the life of every beloved one.
It is this sole truth that pierces the bubble of every other reality and draws our hearts through the gate that we might enter into the place of true rest.
Nothing around us may have changed. Yet, praise allows nothing within us to remain unchanged.
Praise crushes who we are… that we might be made into the beautiful and brilliant likeness of Him…
And so, may we:
grow and mature
live and breathe
walk and know…
That we might find strength to bow low and offer - deep and sacred praise
and in doing so…
May we enter into the Secret Place.
The place of True Rest…