May 26th, 2021
“Out West” packing is really happening! What used to be the plant room - is currently upside down with bins and boxes - a party room heading West. Saturday morning 5am is pull-out-of-the-driveway time for the girls. Twenty and twenty-one years old… friends their entire lives.
Andrei went over every minute detail of car care, car maintenance, car fluids, car batteries, lights, fuses, tires, flats, jacking the car up, letting the car down, gear shifting, mountain climbing, air conditioning on, air conditioning off ( I forgetting anything here…) They listened patiently and even perhaps showed mild interest in car care/ maintenance. They’re young. They’re fearless. Stuff happens to “other people” - not them.
Four big totes is all they’re taking… that and the zillion tools Andrei insists travel alongside them as they go. Poor guy - it’s the only way he can try to take care of them as they travel thousands of miles out of his reach. It’s because of love. It’s because he cares.
And they know it - but they don’t really know it…
It just feels like Dad is being SUPER overbearing and protective… and is just worrying about everything down to metric wrenches and special lug nuts. It just feels like lots of useful, yet useless information for an exciting adventure.
Of course, he’s not the only one who is going down the list getting stuff ready. The other parent (me) is making lists, making medicine concoctions, making boxes… just doing doing doing… And Gabby’s mom is just as involved getting Gabby’s stuff together for such an exciting adventure!
But the tediousness!! The mundane packing of things like mini salt/pepper shakers and detergent for laundry. And lighters for the campstove and aluminium foil to ward off the wind while cooking. Stuff you can live without, but why?
And then I turn and there is my Bible - the Word of God with lists upon lists of great ideas on how to have a good life. A great adventure-filled life… with examples of stellar, honorable men and women found on every page exemplifying righteousness at it’s best, right?
No… actually no.
I turn and there is my Bible - a living and active Word… useful for every situation in life - including heading “Out West.”
Psalms 121:1-2-1-2 “I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection is only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth.” (So comforting, not just for the travelers, but for the parents waving goodbye!!)
On every page I find examples of men and women who search after righteousness… and find loving kindness. Who find themselves lost, abandoned, ashamed, rejected, beaten, lowly, homely, handicapped, disfigured, ill, poor… and yet the mystery of God’s loving kindness changes everything. God’s quiet, guiding presence making everything good.
On every page, it’s not rules upon rules, lists upon lists… great ideas on how to have a good life. An adventure-filled life… No, on every page I see a God who turns all deaths into resurrections. I see a God who doesn’t create cruelty, but who arranges it, overwhelms it, overrules it - so that it all works out for GOOD.
I see an involved SPIRITUAL Father loving loving loving… painstakingly and lovingly taking time to explain to me, just like a child - how to change, how to have peace, how to find rest.
He lovingly guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of His name. He helps me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters. To find peace… a resting place. A firm foundation on which to build my life.
He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies… and anoints my head with oil. Like a lamb - so full of fear… and as the oil flows so does the healing.
And so - while “Out West” marches through the downstairs living area…
So does grace and -
Lists upon lists of loving kindness...