Rooted - Day Twelve

June 12, 2022

In the midst of this tiny little hospice world - we have a high school GRADUATE!

Tonight, I prepared the last documents for his high school diploma… I think the printer and computer were resisting as much as I am at closing this chapter.

As his mom, I am so incredibly proud of him! His heart leans in towards God…

He is humble.
And incredibly sociable.

His future plans, right now, are to pursue mechanical engineering at Penn State.

It’s so amazing to have a future plan… even it if gets adjusted here and there.

Because it wasn’t that long ago that it felt like most days - we were pulling out our hair trying assemble documents, while filling out paperwork, and touring colleges…

And almost everything -
felt overwhelming.

The unknown simply loomed
like a giant abyss…
threatening to swallow us whole.

And we plodded - step by step…
asking for guidance and help
all along the way…

And now it seems the future
includes a plan…
And that is good.

Tonight, on Day Twelve, as I plowed through the last documents for his high school evaluation -

I was reminded again -

No matter what the future looks like

There is a plan.
And it is good.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 reads -
“For I know the plans
I have for you,”
declares the Lord,

“Plans to prosper you
and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope
and a future.

Then you will call on me
and come and pray to me,
and I will listen to you.

You will seek me
and find me
when you seek me
with all your heart.

I will be found by you,”
declares the Lord,
“and will bring you back
from captivity.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11-14‬ ‭

I can’t write it any better than God!

These truthful words of promise
for the dearly beloved of God.

If we say we believe in God -
And we say we trust in His ways…

And we seek to follow after Him
And we say we believe -
His word is true…

We have to trust!

We have to believe that
whatever it is RIGHT NOW -
we are plowing through -

Anything we are facing -
That’s looming…
And crashing…
And falling…
And breaking…

He has prepared for this day.
This journey.

This heartache
This sorrow…
This joy…

And so tonight, with a printer nearby that has finally decided to cooperate…

I have tucked the last documents away for tomorrow’s final evaluation…
And it is good.

I have also tucked “Nanny” into bed…
And it is good.

And I have tucked His Word
in my heart…
And it is good.

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide


Rooted - Day Thirteen


Rooted - Day Eleven