Rooted - Day Twenty

June 20, 2022

As the sun sets today,
on Day Nineteen -

I am deeply aware
of my need for wisdom.

My need for compassion…
Tonight - mostly - wisdom.

On any given day,
just like most people -
I face typical daily dilemmas…

Superimpose, then, this strange
and strained hospice world…

And combine that
with a whole lot of humanity
and very little perfection
and - - - about that need for

More and more often,
this roller coaster ride
takes us way more
than knee-deep
into medical and psychological dilemmas…

And I know I’m not alone when I say that - far too often - I’m striving and leaning on my own understanding to piece the days together.

Tonight, as I walked the dog,
deep in thought -

I found myself worrying -
in the DIRECTION of Heaven,
rather than,
praying TO Heaven…

And the words of Psalm 139 came to mind… but with convicting and piercing illumination.

How many times do I adjust truth
to suit my narrative -

Rather than allowing truth -
to adjust my narrative?

How often do I try to take the place of God and write my storyline?

I need wisdom because some days - Psalms 139 often sounds something like:

“I have examined my heart
and know everything about me.

I know when I sit down
and stand up.

I know my thoughts
even when I’m far away.

I know when I travel
and when I rest at home.

I know everything I do.
I even know what I am going to say
even before I say it.

Nothing goes before me
and all should really follow me.”


And it’s just so awful - because HIS HEART desires to bless bless bless…

And God is in His rightful place -

“I can never escape
from your Spirit!

I can never get away
from your presence!

If I go up to heaven,
you are there;

if I go down to the grave,
you are there.

If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.

You made all the delicate,
inner parts of my body
and knit me together
in my mother’s womb.

Thank you for making me
so wonderfully complex!

You saw me before I was born.

was recorded in your book.

EVERY MOMENT was laid out
before a single day had passed.

How precious are
about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!

I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!

And when I wake up,
you are still with me!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:1-18‬ ‭

It’s just right when God is in His rightful place -
and I’m in mine.

Submitted to His wisdom
Submitted to His plan
Submitted to His timing
Submitted to His care

I passed two massively tall trees
as Nellie and I finished our walk…

One rose straight and tall -
reaching high into the Heavens…

And by it’s side, was another
who seemed to have
needed time to bend
to also reach
high into the Heavens…

And it was said, King David -
was a man after God’s own heart…

A man who sinned,
yet, leaned towards God.

And so tonight,
I bow low
and submit…

And lean
towards Heaven.

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide.



Rooted - Day Twenty One


Rooted - Day Nineteen