Rooted - Day Nineteen

June 19, 2022

Day Nineteen is closing with a bang…

Sort of an abrupt kind of ending
to a strange sort of day…

I am thankful for my husband who walked silently beside me this evening - while I purged and processed a zillion thoughts and emotions…

We stopped to sit in the shaded area under a tall canopy of trees - while the dog bounded in and out of the wild blackberry bushes and poison ivy… (Grrr…)

He handed me his old flip flops to sit on - while he let me listen to myself ramble through a myriad of troubles…

And in the end -
I found some truth
to forge a path and
a way to come up for air…

Because some troubles -
simply must be weathered…

Today, I felt the stormy wind
whipping all about me -

To steal my peace…
To steal my joy…

I felt like a ship
blown and tossed at sea -

And just about the time the dog emerged from the blackberry bushes and poison ivy…

I remembered -

The ANCHOR of HOPE sunk
deep below the water’s surface…

that holds me fast…

For twenty-four years,
Andrei and I have weathered -
both storms and calm…
Side by side

Years and years ago…
we buried our ANCHOR deep..

And while there isn’t always much
to see on the surface -
our roots go deep…

And those ROOTS of TRUTH
are going to ANCHOR us again…

While we find our way -
out of this maze…

While we walk -
without answers

With our eyes fixed on -

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ our guide



Rooted - Day Twenty


Rooted - Day Eighteen