Rooted - Day Twenty-Nine

June 29, 2022

As I sit here, one evening before I quietly close the window into my little world - 30 days of sharing…

I am surrounded…
Knee-deep in the world
of life and death.

Swinging back and forth
polar extremes -
The fight to live.
The desperation to die.

I promise you -
It is exhausting.

But I promise you something else -
I have learned more about living
as we’ve encountered dying.

There is a primal fierceness -
etched on the soul of every human being…
written with the BREATH OF GOD.
To live.

There is nothing natural about death.
We were created to live.

The only natural thing about death
is the assurance of it occurring.

Dear dear friends…
Can we find strength to support
one another in love…
To live.

To stand - side by side - together.
To cry - side by side - together.
To laugh…
And weep…
And grow…
And dream…

Can we lay down the petty arguments of pride and position - and posture our knees together in praise?

Praise of One so great!
One so mighty!

Who dearly loves all…
Who binds up the broken-hearted…
Weeps with those who mourn…
Celebrates with those who rejoice…

I will leave you with this

I have written - with the gentle and sincere prayer…

That the KINDNESS of God settles all fears.
Brings HOPE to all situations.
Emboldens those needing COURAGE.
And allows roots to grow deeply…
In Him

Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide


Rooted - Day Thirty Final


Rooted - Day Twenty-Eight