Day Twenty-Three

April 23

“Love never fails.

For we know in part -
and we prophesy in part,
but when completeness comes,
what is in part - disappears.

For now, we see only a reflection
as in a mirror;
then we shall see
face to face.

Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully,
even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.”
(1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬)

This morning in church, our pastor used a verse in their sermon which has taken on beautiful meaning for me over the past months.

The morning our mom passed away, our beautiful friend and hospice nurse read these verses (above) about seeing in part here on earth. And when completion comes - what we knew in part disappears.

At the time, I didn’t understand the complicated wording. I only knew profound grief.

And yet, as time continues to move along… these verses have become a lifeline of theological soundness and stability.

A doorway into Heaven. A way to process grief. A way to wrestle with the complexity of having a less than perfect parent here on earth… and now one who has become whole, holy and perfect.

We feel her smile now differently than when she was here on earth. Now she nods in pleasure because she understand differently. She knows, not in part - but fully.

Today, we moved some of the last things from her home. There are still a few boxes and cleaning left to do - but the majority is out.

I wrestled with a sinking feeling that I was somehow letting her down…

because one of her children is not moving into her home.

Her home was a place of beauty and love. It was her sole prize possession. The door was always open and welcoming… for nearly twenty years. It was a place to come to rest and refresh. Hang out or cry. A place to run away to find yourself… so you could go back to real life.

As we hauled the piano out of the basement, I couldn’t help crying… (jet lag is not helping this either.)

As I voiced my emotions of feeling as though I was letting her down… these verses, spoken months ago, came flooding back.

And sound, biblical theology held me fast. Helped get the emotions in line behind the mind.

And I could hear her whisper, “It is good. There is more. Something better. Where I am never compares to where you are. Be at peace.”

I am grateful for the women of God in my life who boldly speak truth to me - even when I can only see in part.

Completeness and fullness does come. It is a promise.
And the greatest of these is love.


Day Twenty-Two


Day Twenty-Four