Day Twenty-Two

April 22

Situating ourselves back into regular rhythms and routines… ways which are familiar can be a bit of a wild ride. Not bad - just bumpy.

It’s always an interesting challenge - after being away… Seeing new things, experiencing new ways, gaining perspective of home life - from afar.

So while we did our typical Saturday morning market routine… the rhythm of everything felt bumpy and rough.

Sort of like trying to force an old circular peg into a new and roughly-formed square hole.

Something has to give… and maybe the giving is more about taking the whole assembly in hand and asking if it still…

Benefits us -
Helps us thrive -
Serves a needed purpose -

I suppose the longer we step away from our familiar and normal - we gain different perspectives. And the greater the gap - the greater the propensity to encounter more of these “circular peg/square hole” situations.

It’s not bad. It’s just bumpy.

I find myself examining and questioning with a healthier mindset. A little more raw… a little more pure.

We managed four trips with the van, today, to haul four large items from my mom’s house. That was fun! And I’m sure entertaining for those watching…

I also resisted the urge to bring a bit of Europe and Van Gogh home from the market today in the form of old rickety shutters. Leah was proud. I have got to tackle organizing our exploding material possessions right now before taking on “French Rivera in a townhouse!”

We have much to be grateful for… much to be thankful for!

And cultivating gratefulness, we believe, will smooth the bumps along the way.

For His purpose!
For His glory!


Day Twenty-One


Day Twenty-Three