Day Eighteen

April 18

A beautiful final day of returning to some of our favorite spots (within a reasonable driving distance.)

If ever you have a chance to visit southern France, we cannot more highly recommend the mountaintop village of Grasse - the “perfume center of the world.”

I cannot imagine what it might be like to visit when the lavender is in full bloom and the olive trees are laden with fruit.

We certainly saw quite a few backyards and courtyards bearing loads of oranges and lemons.

We managed to figure out how to return our rental car this evening with a few extra unneeded steps. We believe we are right on target for our suitcase weight and if not… the giant shuffle will take place publicly as the hotel can’t find the scale this evening.

We have saved the best leg of our trip for tomorrow… through Portugal and ending with the most beautiful place in the world - home.

The place where those we love eagerly wait to embrace us and all our dirty laundry… and we get back to doing life together.

Each a little different, a little changed… a little more aware, with a bit more perspective.

Each a little more intentional about loving and caring, blessing and serving…

Good night from southern France, where the mosquitoes are out in full force, the neighbors are loud and entertaining to us, and the moon hangs over each of us the same - the whole world over…

And God smiles - because it is good…


Day Seventeen


Day Nineteen