Day Twelve - April 12, 2020

Today I awoke in my mom’s guest room and immediately remembered why I got rid of that mattress! Initially it felt like heaven when I was falling asleep… but it took me all day to get rid of the kinks in my back and neck! 

Nellie walked with just her Papa this morning. I watched the sun rise through the wooden window slats as I sat on the lumpy guest room bed this Easter morning!


We are so grateful as a family for all the love and care so many of you pour out on my family. In good times and bad… Thank you for your prayers for my mom. It seems if we keep her moving a little, she doesn’t get too stiff and the pain is tolerable. Throughout the day, she improved more. We are so very very grateful!. 

What a beautiful day to plant peas! After getting my mom settled in place, I came home and worked for a few hours in the garden. I couldn’t help but spend extra time today studying the fine details of the pea plants I had sprouted from seed a few weeks ago. 

Last week, I put the seedlings in the ground and today they had grown sufficiently enough that it was necessary to help them start to climb. I was fascinated by the tiny hair-like tendrils that help them make their ascent. The seedlings are planted about 6” from one another - (maybe because I was thinking of social distancing!) and their fine tendrils “reach out” for anything to grip. Some of the plants were gripping one another, some sat completely alone, and some were growing away from the trellis I put in place for them to climb. 

As I sat in the dirt studying the peas, the kids were preparing food in the kitchen. They had one of the many church services playing on the TV loud enough that I could hear through the open back door. I imagine and hope that by next Easter - we will be able to corporately come together to worship and encourage one another. Until then, though… the building is empty. We are apart…Apart. Six feet, six miles, six states, six countries… Apart yet standing. 

Yet, truth planted brings forth fruit! The redemption of our hearts begins with the seed of God planted deep within us. HIDDEN in the dark - reaching for the Light. By His grace, new life springs forth and we are transformed and grow. We reach for HOPE. We reach for LOVE. We reach for community. 

It is possible to grow -solely alone... for the work of the Gospel is personal. Transformational. And yet, as even nature demonstrates, we desire community. We seek to support and to be supported. 

This afternoon, as I kneeled in the dirt and gently weaved the little tendrils so that they could grip the gardening support system - it reminded me of community. These peas will take a bit of constant training to help them head in the right direction. Some will grip onto others and they will climb. Some will bolt and take off for the top with little to no coaxing. And some will slip off the bamboo trellis and have to gently be coaxed to climb towards the sky. 

Today, as the worship music played from inside the house - I sat outside the house… and remembered a quote by Lilias Trotter -

“For the world’s salvation was not wrought out by the three years in which He went about doing good, but in the three hours of darkness in which He hung stripped and naked, in utter exhaustion of spirit, soul and body, till His heart broke. So little wonder for us, if the price of power is weakness.”

And the Body of Christ collectively held hands - six feet, six miles, six states, six countries apart. Apart yet standing as one. 




Day Thirteen - April 13, 2020


Day Eleven - April 11, 2020