Day Twenty-Two - April 22, 2020

Today I awoke to Nellie demanding a walk first thing… tall grass, no fox, blustery wind… home again. Sunrise. Freezing cold. Frost. 


I awoke with a burst of short-lived energy this morning - so this old house was scrubbed from top to bottom. Every “classroom”, schoolroom, study room, office space got hit with at least the dust mitt and the vacuum!

Leah came home from spending the night with my mom earlier than I expected… I asked what happened, “Oh, we left her with Wilbert.” What the heck?? “He was spinning a web - up and down from the floor to the ceiling - so we just shot out of there and told her to keep an eye on him!” Honestly!? I appreciate the help, but you left her babysitting a spider??! These kids! 

Last night I got videos of them swimming around in our huge inflatable pool in her basement! Thankfully, the bathroom area was able to handle the small leak… There is never ever a dull moment with these kids! 

As I finished putting away the laundry this morning, I popped into the study room - just off our bedroom that Andrei is using as his work-from-home office. It’s the quietest room in our home and the perfect place to concentrate. I caught sight of what has now become a familiar sight… Papers, computer screens, coffee and Papa hard at work, while his faithful companion, Nellie sleeps on her little bed by his side. 

Last night our governor made mention of the possibility of our state gradually opening up… His comments seemed to be worded to possibly offer tentative hope that we might see some light at the end of this strange tunnel. 

As I looked into the study room, I paused for a moment to consider (ugh… it’s that word again!)... I’ve become so used to Andrei being home - yes, we barely see him which is necessary for him to stay focused for his employment… but with no traffic and no long commute - he has so many extra hours in his week!

I felt a prick of almost sadness in the idea that this beautiful time that feels both strange and odd - might be coming to an end. And that end will also mean the end of things we have come to accept and appreciate. 

And suddenly I began to see other scenes throughout my house that depict the same. The million-foot cable wires running up and around the halls and doorways - so that the computers are hard-wired while taking exams online. 

Katya listening to her accounting professor graciously and professionally teach - while she sits by the sink and I wash dishes…

Leah’s artwork on the walls of her bedroom dreaming about places she’d like to travel and languages she wants to learn. Hundreds of random index cards all over her bedroom as she pushes herself in French everyday. 

Fresh lunches prepared instead of furiously packing the night before… Wood shavings all over the garage from Daniel having time to carve instead of being on the court… I just didn’t know that I would visit that strange little emotion of grief in this. 

If you’ve traveled with me these past twenty-two days - you know I’m working through the book of James at a painfully slow rate! “Consider it pure (all) joy when you face trials…” Apparently I may be stuck on the word “consider” until I die. 



All we have:













Been blessed by…

Frustrated by…

Confused by…

Startled by…

Honored with…

Privileged with…

Gifted with…

As so, may we find strength to prepare to go and reenter the new… with grace, mercy and JOY!


Day Twenty-Three - April 23, 2020


Day Twenty-One - April 21, 2020