Day Thirty - April 30, 2020
Today I awoke to a little white bundle of joy snuggled up to my legs snoring loudly.
The sun rose warm and beautiful this morning. Blue skies graced the sky as Andrei and I trudged through the tall grass and woods.
Thirty days ago I embarked on a journey to publicly journal for the month of April. Today is the final day of that commitment. I knew back in December when I accepted this request that it would stretch me - I just didn’t account for the timing. I was given one word - HIDDEN - which felt like a dichotomy.
Interestingly, in botany the word “dichotomy” is defined as repeated branching into two equal parts… hmmm.
Each day has come and gone with some semblance of rhythm and routine. Each day the sun has risen and set, sometimes behind dark grey clouds and sometimes with wonder and brilliance.
Each day all of us have learned more about this current virus than we knew the day prior and we have made decisions and choices based on new knowledge...
Most nights, I came to the end of my day acutely aware of my need for a Saviour. Some days were tough - navigating ever-changing waters… and some days were so incredibly mundane, I felt immensely unproductive and stuck.
Each day felt like a mixture of fruitful and stale, unproductive and new, interesting and mundane… sometimes all mixed together in the same moment.
There have been days when I have felt so full of gratitude and wonder at the goodness of God… but other days - dry and brittle…
This evening we finished the month off with a long walk alongside our favorite nearby river. We have been on this same trail many times and have passed by a small detour to the right - thinking that it led to the houses up on the ridge.
Tonight, as the rain fell steadily, and the wind blew across the treetops, we decided to venture off onto this small detour. We unexpectedly discovered an even more beautiful trail than the one we’ve taken for years! We discovered a pond, a family of ducks, a herd of deer and a magnificent and mysterious forest!
More shocking, though, was the mere fact that we have walked within fifty feet of this trail and have never once ventured out to discover what was beyond our typical trek.
What a more fitting way to end this month-long journey! As I walked along this brand new path - I wondered as to other paths where I may have missed opportunities. Paths where I may have walked over and over - but never detoured to discover the HIDDEN...
Drenched from head to toe, we ended our walk refreshed, renewed and completely soaked. As we all piled into the van with the mud-splattered dog, I prayed for renewed strength to continue.
There are so many unknowns ahead. So many looming fears and pestering feelings of inadequacy.
And yet there are promises of a HOPE and a FUTURE that transcend our present circumstances and set our hearts on things above not just things here on earth.
I pray for renewed strength to continue...
Matthew 11:28
“Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
And so tonight I close this chapter asking God for…
Wisdom to consider…
Hope to flourish…
Love to cover fear…
Joy to sustain…
Peace to maintain…
Gentleness to discover…
And fearless faith.
Much love to each of you…