Within the Shadows

Within the Shadows

Three weeks ago, our mom, aka Nanny, was living semi-independently with us coming in daily to care for her.

Two weeks ago, she was admitted to the hospital with very low oxygen levels and little explanation for her rapid decline.

After spending a week in the hospital and going through extensive testing… we believed the best - but so difficult decision was to bring her home on hospice.

It appears she has advanced interstitial lung disease. A connective tissue disorder that is not reversible (unless supernaturally - should God so choose to heal her this side of Heaven).

We cried bucket loads of tears as we attempted to loosen our grip on her. Slowly we opened our hands to both give and receive what God wills in one fluid motion… The heavy walk of grief made us physically and emotionally ill…

We are so very human. And yet, God continues to be faithful - in all. All things.

Now that we are settled at her home with her, we are finding a rhythm and cadence that is bathed in grace.

We see God provide. For things we don’t even know we need… We see Him care for us in ways we couldn’t have anticipated.

Her physical decline seems to have slowed somewhat - for which we are incredibly grateful… Her spirit is alive and well! Full of life, beauty, hope and overflowing joy!

We wrestle sometimes with our faith… to know and believe … to HOPE for that which we cannot see, touch or feel.

We are human.

And yet somehow - even here in the valley of the shadow of death - the presence and nearness of God meets us.

Even here, in the shadows, the same Good Shepherd who guides us along quiet waters and green pastures, still walks alongside us and illuminates our path.

We find that even as the shadows hem us in… the shadows reach out and hold us tight. Bind up our broken hearts and restore our weary souls. We are seen here in the Valley of Shadows…

And as Heaven draws near…

We bow low…

Yesterday, I launched my website in hopes that for God’s glory we will walk through this valley changed - never the same - because of Grace.

The Cross… The Cross walks beside us along this road of suffering. We sense Him bearing the burden with us.

And we know - His yoke is easy… His burden is light. We trust in Him.

As we come to mind, pray for us… we are human.

If anyone wishes to send “Nanny” a card - PM me and I’ll give you her address.

Much love, friends! We look up to the hills- that is where our Help comes from! 💕

(Here is one of the most beautiful photos of us taking online communion together. Never underestimate the power of God’s word - regardless of the means. Yes, she’d love to be receiving this in person - but God is faithful. Always.)


Along the Road


A Seat at the Table