A Seat at the Table

I recently sat pondering someone else’s wrongs...

And the wrongs of another who gave me such knowledge...

And as I considered what walls I might construct order to protect myself from such wrongs... Truth dropped deep.

“How much ugly would it take for grace to run out?

How much sin would disqualify one a seat at the table of forgiveness?

How much dirt and shame would cause the Savior to turn his face away?”

Our Creator stands at attention - ready to forgive the one who confesses their wrongs. Eternally ready to extend free, yet costly grace?

And as I came full circle - I remembered my own sin.

I remembered the Cross.

I remembered the forgiveness I continue to receive...

And as I sat in deep understanding - reflecting upon my own forgiveness... I was reminded again...

Grace has not made me better - rather it has made me new.

And those walls I had begun to mentally erect in self-preservation from another‘s sin suddenly looked so pitiful in light of the Cross.

And sanctification continued again within...


Within the Shadows


No Fear