The Exhaustion of Quiet Praise

The Exhaustion of Quiet Praise

I want to talk about it…
Rehash it -
Pick it up again

I want to talk about
How tired
Drained and
Weary my soul feels right now…

I want to sit
Sip tea
Or coffee
Or soup
Or find anything comforting right now…

To unburden
The draining part of this
Exhausting stretch right now…

But sometimes I come to the place
when I’ve exhausted every one of those paths…

When weariness has sunk deeper
than tea or talking…
When there is no answer - other than quiet.

Quiet quiet quiet
Meditative praise…

And Grace enters.

In the form of the Cross most Holy…
Beckoning me to come and be poured forth
a drink offering -
that I may never thirst again.

Offers to take my burdens
that I might rest…
take my yoke - in exchange for His.

He reminds me:

It is in suffering,
I come to know Him.
His grace is made perfect
in weakness.

His yoke is easy.
His burden is light.

“Come to me all you who are heavy burdened
and I will give you rest.”

And slowly, piece by piece,
my desires to talk, rehash, and pick it up -
in light of the Cross.

And I’m reminded again…

Worrying in the direction of Heaven
never takes the place
of praying to Heaven.

Loving kindness grows in humility…
Long suffering grows over time…
Maturity develops within…

And even in exhaustion -
Praise flows forth.


One Day


The Obedience of Quiet Praise