Rooted - Day Two

June 2, 2022

As I drove down the long country lane on Day Two, sheep grazed to my left- while the wheat stalks rose high into the sky… reaching out toward the sun’s rays.

I stopped to capture the beauty of the big blue sky - the white wispy clouds providing little to no shade.

The beauty.
The pause.
The intentional stop to notice…

The call to remember that in the midst of
great grief,
great trouble,
great heartbreak…


And the wheat swayed
back and forth… as the wind blew gently
across the farmer’s field.

Heaven’s breath…

Kernels bursting.
Seedlings sprouting.
Stalks forming…


Rising higher…
and higher…
and higher…

The rise -
and fall…

Life -
and death…

And in order for new life to come forth…
for new generations to spring to life…

The kernel must
rise and fall.

John 12:24-25 reads:
“Very truly I tell you,
unless a kernel of wheat
falls to the ground and dies,
it remains only a single seed.

But if it dies,
it produces many seeds.

“Anyone who loves their life
will lose it,
while anyone who hates their life
in this world
will keep it for eternal life.”

For one transitory moment,
while the sheep grazed quietly nearby,

I remembered.

The whisper of Heaven calls forth -
life from death.

Seedlings -
from dry crusty kernels….

The whisper of God breathes LIFE.

Over death.
My death.

So that I may live…

The miracle of the resurrection
lives within me.

The power of the resurrection sustains me.

It grounds my wobbly heart.

And yet…
Still, I panic.

I sometimes become almost strangled with fear that I cannot finish this hospice race.

I cry…
I weep…
I breathe…
I remember…

That the goodness of God allows for my weaknesses…

The goodness of God
overshadows every deficit -
as I lean forward
bowing low.

He clears the way…

And so today, as the wheat fields dance gently in the wind…


So my heart bows gently
And weakly…

Falling as the wheat -
Rooted in Him
The Cross of Christ my guide…



Rooted - Day Three


Rooted - Day One