Day Two
April 2
Just a few days ago, we dared to peek at the weather forecast for our time here in the UK and it called for solid rain - everyday.
Yesterday’s weather, however, was stunningly clear and beautiful. I think it does the heart good to celebrate the smallest of miracles and gifts. If nothing else, it adds wonder and mystery to an otherwise simple day.
We walked the pups along the riverside this morning - signs of spring all about… daffodils and hellebore rising up to greet the morning sun.
Leah and I took the public footpath through the fields later in the day where the sheep will soon be kept. Thorny hedges and rock walls serve to safely keep the ewes and lambs in their proper place.
I paused briefly to wonder what thorny hedges and rock walls are in place in MY life - serving to keep ME in MY proper place. Could those obstacles be my provision? Could those barriers be my guide?
We took the car across the barren and desolate dales to the beautiful village of Lealholm, North Yorkshire to visit an exquisite nursery.
Compared to springtime back in Pennsylvania - I would say they are certainly 3-4 weeks ahead of us here.
It was fascinating to see the different plants offered - many I’ve only read about, but have never seen offered where we live.
The chickens happily pecked about the stunning varieties of hellebore and Leah tolerated the excursion like a champ. We challenged her to hop the stepping stones dotted across the river and, of course, she acquiesced!
We finished the night off with a lovely birthday dinner together at a local pub in the next town over.
As we were leaving, my aunt pointed out a picture hanging in the hallway. It made us smile as we couldn’t help but think how perfectly it summed up my mom’s life!
A little late walk through the village here, catching up on the phone with the boys back at home, beautifully finished off the day.
We are blessed. Richly. In so many ways.
To number them, count them… adds beauty and value to everyday. It calls our hearts to see above the barrenness and despair - reminding us of the Great and wonderful Shepherd who sends forth good and perfect gifts from above. Who does not change like shifting shadows - but remains faithful and true. Who establishes order and provision for our good.
We lean in to His faithfulness - as we grow and become more aware.
Blessings of love 🔷