Day Thirteen
April 13
For the past two weeks, we have been surrounded by some of the world’s most beautiful places. Forests, fields, mountains, lakes, seas, castles, cathedrals, and dales.
Today, we walked through the markets and gardens along the Cour Mirabeau looking for a few items of interest to bring home.
The mistral winds were blowing with a vengeance, causing havoc throughout the marketplace and streets.
The sun shone brightly with a ferocity - determined to warm the city in spite of the blustery winds.
I walked to the high point of the city to see the home where the artist, Paul Cézanne, had his small studio here in Aix-en-Provence. There was a delightful forest garden with some of his works displayed throughout.
Because of the chilly mistral winds, we spent the afternoon and evening inside the hotel. It was nice to be still and quiet… talking and reminiscing.
It felt strange to be sitting in France, in a hotel lobby, quietly sipping tea and reading while there was an entire city waiting to be explored!
And there we sat… inside.
And we realized afresh- there comes a time when the soul becomes so saturated by consuming; it must give in order to make room to receive…
We discovered anew- there is a deeper beauty to be found in giving. In serving and blessing… in pouring out of ourselves - offering to give, rather than reaching to receive.
While we’ve seen great beauty on this trip, we’ve also seen some of the harsher realities time and time again.
Beggars, homeless, street musicians, refugees, mothers with babies, blind old men, young woman… on and on…
Today, as we walked to the store to collect food for dinner, two men slept face down in the trash piles behind the store.
And earlier in the day, as we entered the Paroisse Cathédrale Saint Sauveur to have a moment of quiet and rest, a beggar woman lay across the entrance - carrying the weight of the world in her outstretched hands.
Therein, though, lies the harsher beauty… the beauty of the human soul. Human potential formed in the image of God.
Tonight, we were reminded - each of us are made in the image of the Trinity.
In their image, we were made.
Made in beauty, for beauty…
Made in community, for community…
Made in glory, for glory!
No greater love
no greater joy
has a man for another,
than to give his life away.
And when he does -
He finally finds it.
Tomorrow we set off for another city deeper south along the Mediterranean…
But tonight, we gave of ourselves in just a few simple ways… giving away rather than simply reaching to receive.