Day Five

April 5

Time to say goodbye… goodbye to the picturesque little village of Sinnington, with all its charm and beauty.

Goodbye, to my beloved aunt and her dear pups.

Goodbye, to the first leg of our little journey. A leg in which we’ve been loved and truly refreshed.

We stopped in York so I could show Leah the York Minster. Over the years, it’s been one of my favorite spots to visit.

Leah came last when she was six… and her focus was understandably a bit more focused on the quaint shops and passageways leading up to the Minster rather than its rich history.

With it being Holy Week, King Charles is set to visit tomorrow for Maundy Thursday and sadly access to the inside of the Minster was prohibited.

I strongly resisted the urge to break out in my preferred homeschool style and enlighten Leah to the rich history surrounding us.

Leah’s way of learning has never been traditional… For her, I’ve found it best to introduce and guide her to quality experiential opportunities that spill over and stimulate all her senses. Then, within reason, I let her take the lead.

It has served us well over the years - allowing her to own and forge her own path into the future.

We began by ambling through the The Shambles, one of Europe’s most preserved Medieval streets. Most buildings date back to the 14th-17th centuries. It is filled with old world charm paired with touches of the modern carefully woven throughout.

I watched Leah in her typical laissez faire manner, browse throughout The Shambles… until we came to the majestic Minster rising 235 feet before us.

And this time, at 18 years old… she was awed. It is such beautiful gift to behold, watching as our children discover and share genuine delight in things and places of beauty.

The garden grounds were immaculate as Spring finds itself in full bloom.

And now we rest our heads at our other aunt’s home… trying to make some sense as to why my suitcase now feels heavier than when we arrived!

We have two days here in Leeds, the city where I was born, before we embark on our next leg…

Geneva and the Swiss Alps…

Much love to each of you tonight. 🔷


Day Four


Day Six