Day Twenty Two - Jan 22, 2019
Sometimes I believe we pass through experiences - never realizing how they are changing us…
Over and over this month, I keep coming back to the topic of perspective. So often we assume or are convinced that we can see clearly. We make decisions, adjust turns, and react based on that view.
I was reminded of this today as I walked my familiar path with Nellie. This time walking over snow and ice.
As we pass through each experience, may we have hearts that are disciplined and willing to pause and wait for clarity from fresh perspectives.
May we be willing never to settle with a simple glance at hard truths but rather to press forward to discover Truth and the abundant Life it holds. May we make decisions, adjust turns and respond based on that view.
(These pictures are all taken from the same spot - with the lens flipped upside down on some and at a lower level...)