Day Eighteen - Jan 18, 2019
There’s a strange sort of moment just as you close one chapter in time and you’re met with your current reality... a glaring clash of past and familiar. A contemplative moment when you’ve one foot in the past and the other in the present.
Transatlantic flights have this somewhat dizzying effect on me... like a season in limbo…
Seasons of transition - short or prolonged- often make me feel as though nothing is changing or moving. I often feel stuck ...
But often it’s in the circling moments that the victories in our life are being won. To walk around the wall one more time and examine every crack and crevice as we wait for it to fall. Those Israelites knew they’d have to do that for seven days! What did they expect for the first six days!! Why exactly did they circle round and round …?
Perhaps to ground and solidify at a deep and fundamental level that they were passing through going from slave to free... bondage to liberty. And it was a silent, boring, and laborious transition ....
I’ve closed one journey and I’ve met my current reality. I am blessed. Much has churned and turned over in these past few days. I think I may be walking around my wall at least seven times to try to wrap my heart around some things…
But I am committed to the process of sitting in the holding pattern waiting for clarity.
Blessed on my American side of the ocean tonight.