Day Nine - Jan 9, 2019

Each day that passes, I am gifted with momentary glances into hidden blessings. On our home education journey, I’ve never been stuck on one curriculum… We aim to educate and train the whole child - or teen these days. 


Today I had the privilege of attending a live seminar from England and was able to have the kids (and Nellie!) sit in. Halfway through the teaching, I looked up and saw each one of the kids fully focused and actually taking notes! Fifty minutes of solid attention… 


We have been blessed in our home to sit under so many great communicators, excellent teachers, and passionate leaders. 


But what makes a great communicator even better - is a great listener. Whether it’s the physical action of leaning in, taking notes or disciplining ourselves to wrestle with deep concepts - good teaching matched with good listening makes for amazing learning and development!


Day Ten - Jan 10, 2019


Day Eight - Jan 8, 2019