The Tension of Quiet Praise
The Tension of Quiet Praise
When the low rumble of watching suffering
ebb and flow before our eyes…
making us eternally tired…
When the ebbs and flows rise to new heights
and then suddenly plunge to new lows…
we scramble
as we try to uncomfortably adjust.
When reality is not as we wish…
and the future this side of Heaven
looks gray and grim…
There is a Truth that remains.
On the throne… working all things out for good.
The scales of our battle scarred hearts
become gently balanced
in light of His loving kindness.
In light of Him.
There is one true God.
And it is NOT us…
We are not the ultimate answer to life’s suffering.
2000 years ago, the One true answer hung
on the Cross of ultimate suffering -
so that in our suffering -
we might have HOPE.
And when we bow so low before this Cross…
and place our burdens before His feet -
PRAISE erupts.
For His yoke is easy… His burden is light.
We bring our tensions to Him
that we might find -
strength to praise.